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Head of Boarding 寄宿部负责人
15000-25000元 嘉兴南湖区 应届毕业生 本科
嘉兴诺德安达学校 2024-03-23 19:44:24
Head of Boarding 寄宿部负责人
15000-25000元 嘉兴南湖区 应届毕业生 本科
嘉兴诺德安达学校 2024-03-23 19:44:24
Key Responsibilities Engagement and Interaction – School Ambassador to Internal Community Ensuring that parents are consistently informed of the Boarding life of their children; Producing a Boarding Handbook; Producing a Boarding Policy; Meeting prospective students and families to explain the structure, advantages and suitability of the Boarding House; Overseeing the decision-making process on the acceptance of new students; Collaborating closely with Admissions to ensure a professional and smooth Boarding student enrolment; Supporting the transfer of students into the Boarding House; Contributing to school publications including the school newsletter and yearbook; Communicating directly with newly secured students, parents and Homeroom teachers prior to arrival and pass on appropriate documentation; Promoting the Boarding programme within and outside the school; Monitoring student wellbeing regularly in collaboration with Homeroom teachers, ensuring clear feedback to parents; Holding regular Student Boarding House meetings, represent the Student Boarding House at other relevant meetings and communicate the proceedings of all meetings to the Principal and Dean of Students; Communicating to students, parents and Homeroom teachers where appropriate, programmes of activities, special events involving Boarding House students; Providing opportunities for feedback to teachers and Homeroom teachers on issues related to specific Boarding House students; Responding to and initiate all communication with the Dean of Students and Principal along with teaching and administration staff where necessary; Maintaining updated information on all Boarding House students; Attending and contributing to all required meetings; Sharing expertise with colleagues; Maintaining co-operative supportive professional relationships with the entire school community; Creating opportunities and systems to communicate information about the Student Boarding House to the wider school community; Encouraging parental interest and involvement in the Student Boarding House, School and support PTA events; Learning and Teaching Providing support and guidance for students in the Boarding House in academic and pastoral matters; Advising students by using a variety of approaches to create a secure, happy and stimulating environment; Liaising with Homeroom teachers, subject/classroom teachers, Student Support manager to support students throughout the school programmes; Developing team spirit within the Student Boarding House; Dealing with disciplinary matters relating to students within the Student Boarding House in conjunction with the Dean of Students; Demonstrating good pastoral skills and a willingness to adapt to the demands of an international boarding school. Operational Expertise

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